"When you strip away your armor, you reveal your light."

Helping Leaders step into their greatness, one voice at a time

My Mission

When I work with clients, I often face a paradox: those that don't need my help (because they are already good speakers) are the very ones who show up seeking improvement. My joy has been to shepherd them from good to great.

This has led me to another paradox: that most of us don't have any notion of how to explore our greatness. We cower at the very idea. And yet the essence of who we are, our very purpose for being here is to share our greatness. It's not just in some of us, it's in all of us.

Until we can voice what makes us unique, until we can articulate our story and share our insights, we live only a half life. The best half may be hiding under a rock. My mission is to help you lift that rock — not to make you great, but to allow you to unearth your own greatness.